
When Boredom Strikes: 5 Outdoor Activities to Do Amid COVID-19

By Cheif Editor

October 01, 2020

The fear of being infected by the Coronavirus-19 has been instilled in every person that consequently envelops the world. Perhaps, it’s by far the horror of the 21st century that no one has ever anticipated. Evidently in the pandemic’s early months, homes closed their doors to protect the family from the unseen enemy, and many were exhausted in their abodes.

Now that humanity is slowly opening to the world anew, people begin to refresh what they regularly do with extra care and safety measures. Since it’s a gradual process, most people start doing outside tasks just around their house’s parameters. And, if you still don’t have any interest in your list, we’ll provide you five outdoor activities for your well-being.

Allow Your Skin and Eyes to be Exposed to Sunlight

The sunlight is both a blessing and a curse. It’s beneficial to your body when adequately exposed and is harmful when the skin receives excessive sunlight. Taking about the positive side, allowing your body to be disclosed by sunlight during the early morning is good for the skin. You’ll receive vitamin D, which improves bone health and prevents osteoporosis.

Furthermore, during light therapy or phototherapy, as the sunlight penetrates your eyes’ retina, the body is triggered to release serotonin. This chemical is responsible for maintaining the mental soundness that will take you out from the storm of depression, anxiety, and other mental-related problems that the pandemic has intensified.

Release Stress Through Breathing Exercise

When you feel worn out in your house, all you need is a breath of fresh air. A dose of early morning breathing practice revitalizes your nervous system as it creates positive impulses throughout your body. It’s a great starter for morning grind as it tones and sets your mood. Even if you’re living in the concrete jungle, you could still feel that there’s remaining purity.

Meanwhile, morning breathing practice improves your lungs’ health. When you inhale and exhale, your lungs expand and contract, which is an excellent form of exercise. It releases stress, stiffness, and tension in your body that cause a heavy feeling.

Total Physical Workout

Now that you are done with some internal soothing and relaxation activities, you can now move on to physical workout, which will improve the body’s posture and essential aspects. Total physical exercise stretches your tight muscles and requires you to execute big moves to sweat out. It might be tiring, but the effects are wholesome. Are you planning to perform a total physical workout? Why not try these easy yet effective forms of exercise.

In-place Jogging

Since you are just around the corner in your house, in-place jogging is a perfect substitution for outside jogs. This form of exercise imitates jogging, however, without taking a distance.

Jumping Jack

Jumping jack exercise is a fun way of sweating out. You’ll use a skipping rope to perform this task. It helps proper cardiovascular circulation and getting rid of fat and cholesterols after having a heavy meal.


This exercise enhances the strength of the core and upper body. It also improves balance and stability. The steps here are straightforward. First,  you need to lie face down on the floor. Place the palm of your hands on the floor, straighten both legs, and start to push your body up and down.


The squat is one of the many common and easy exercises you can do either inside or outside your house. First, you have to stand straight, and if you’re ready to perform, bend your knees and spring your legs.

Home Gardening

During these times, home gardening doesn’t just add aesthetic appeal to your house but also a substantial food source for your family. If you still don’t have a vegetation garden and plan to have one, create and start a fall veggie patch on your land so that you would harvest the crops in just a few months. Besides having a source of healthy food, you will also acquire health benefits in doing so.

Fun Aerobic Exercise

When you pull the weeds, remove the thatches, and till the soil, unknowingly, you perform simple forms of aerobic exercise. This simple precursor of home gardening allows your muscle to work to develop stamina, strength, and flexibility gradually.

Combats Anxiety

Not everyone seems to have mental soundness during this pandemic. Some are suffering from anxiety, a battle of the lone. With that said, home gardening can be an outlet to exude the weariness that clouded the internal-being. It allows you to focus on more delighting things than to be consumed by negativities brought by the pandemic.

Do Your Passion

The pandemic is not a hindrance for you to keep what you truly love. You can still enjoy leisure even if you’re outside the house. If you’re inclined in photography, now is the time that you share with the world your photos that depict new normal. Further, if you enjoy painting, you can take tons of daily experience as an inspiration for your painting.


This pandemic is not the end of everything. It may immobilize most of your typical daily to-dos, but it didn’t impede you from doing activities that can develop your well-being. You might be doing all these activities behind your fences, but it’s still for your health’s safety. Indeed, this, too, shall pass, and by following these outdoor activities, it warms you up for the upcoming better days.