40-Minute Bodyweight Workout For Sculpting Butt


40-Minute Bodyweight Booty Sculpting Workout

By Elise Rivera

November 16, 2016

Having a toned, firm backside is high on most people’s fitness wish lists, but achieving a perfect posterior can remain frustratingly elusive.

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There are a variety of factors, ranging from being sedentary to natural aging, which can contribute to a flat or loose derrière — thankfully, we’ve got some excellent butt-shaping exercises in our arsenal to combat saggy bums.

This workout is designed for butt building, shaping, and sculpting to get you that booty-licious backside you’ve always wanted. The best part? There’s no equipment needed, so you can perform this workout at the gym or in the comfort of your own home. As a bonus, not only does this workout target your booty, but it also incorporates cardio, so you’ll blast fat and torch calories at the same time — ideal for revealing your toned tush.

Also Read: Brazilian Butt Lift Workout For Your Best Booty Ever

The Workout

This workout consists of two circuits, each 9 minutes in duration. Complete Circuit 1, followed by Circuit 2. Repeat the circuits once more in the same order; the whole workout ends up being performed in an ABAB order. Before completing the workout, it is advised that you warm up for four minutes prior to starting. You can choose freely how to do so. Some examples are marching in place, walking on a treadmill, or jogging. Together, the warm-up and workout will total 40 minutes. We also recommend that you cool down upon completion of the exercises to stretch and recover. Aside from having a means of tracking time and a water bottle, no equipment is needed. Be sure to stay hydrated and always listen to your body! This workout is not for novices, so if necessary, you can extend the breaks in between exercises or only complete each circuit once.

Related: 6 Butt-Lifting Exercises Using A Resistance Band

Circuit 1

Circuit 2:

The Moves:

Glute Bridges

Lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet on the ground. Your arms should be by your sides with the palms on the floor. This is the starting position. Begin by pushing through your feet and heels to lift your hips off of the ground and up towards the ceiling as high as you can. Hold this for a second before slowly lowering until your bottom hovers an inch or two above the ground. This is one repetition. Be sure to not touch your bottom to the floor while performing the exercise.

Fire Hydrant

Begin on all fours. Your wrists should be directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Additionally, knees should be hip-width apart. This is the base position. Start by keeping your knee bent at a 90-degree angle, and laterally lift the leg in the right direction to the height of your hips. Hold this movement and pause before slowly lowering back down to base. This is one repetition. Perform all movements on one leg before completing the same movement with the left leg in the left direction.

Plie Squats On Tippy Toes

Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart. There should be roughly a 1.5-2 foot distance between both feet, and your toes should be pointed outwards. To begin the movement, slowly lower yourself down into a sitting position such that your thighs are parallel to the ground. Your chest should be upright and your bottom back. Hold this for a second before pressing through your feet and bringing your hips back up to the start. Perform this movement from start-to-finish while standing on your tippy toes.


Begin on all fours. Your wrists should be directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Additionally, knees should be hip-width apart. This is the starting position. Point your toes and extend your right leg directly back and up towards the ceiling as high as you can. Next, slowly lower your leg straight down to touch the floor. Then, raise the right leg back again towards the ceiling, and this time lower it to touch the ground to the left side of your left leg planted on the floor. This is one complete Rainbow, and it consists of four mini movements going up-down-up-down. Perform as many repetitions as possible within a minute’s time. Complete this same exercise on the left leg (when the exercise is performed, this time you will want to tap your toes to the right side of your right leg planted on the ground).

Single-Leg Glute Bridge

Lie on your back with your knees bent and the sloes of your feet on the ground. Your arms should be by your sides with the palms on the floor. This is the starting position. Extend one leg straight and lift it off of the ground. Next, squeeze your gluteal muscles while pushing your hips upwards, raising them as high towards the ceiling as possible. Hold for a moment before slowly lowering until your bottom is just above the floor. This is one repetition. Perform this same movement on the other leg.

Squat With Kick-Back

Stand with your legs hip-width apart. Perform a regular squat movement, being sure to sit your bottom backwards while keeping your chest upright. Hold your fists and arms out in front of you while squatting. When rising up from the squat, lift one leg backwards, extending it straight behind you. While doing so, extend both arms out in front of you to stay balanced. Hold this for a second before lowering your leg back down and returning to the start. This is one repetition. Perform this same movement on your other leg.

Explosive Lunges

Stand with your feet together and your hand on our hips. To perform the movement, lunge forward with one leg, making sure to not overextend your knee over your ankle. To rise back up, push through both feet to jump up. While jumping, switch legs midair so that when you land, your other leg is forward to perform a lunge movement. While completing the lunges, your knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle.

Pulsing Plie Squats

Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart. There should be roughly a 1.5-2 foot distance between both feet, and your toes should be pointed outwards. To begin the movement, slowly lower yourself down into a sitting position such that your thighs are parallel to the ground. Your chest should be upright and your bottom back. While in a squatting position, stay low and pulse for three seconds before pressing through your heels and bringing your hips, and legs back up to the starting position. To pulse, you maintain the squat position but on each pulse, you quickly sink a little lower before returning to the normal squat level/position.