
Killer Core Workout For Amazing Abs

By Alicia Bell

April 10, 2017

We all know that getting amazing abs is no easy feat. A toned tummy is first and foremost made in the kitchen, and can only be achieved through a combination of a healthy diet, cardio and strength training.

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Of course, you’ll also need to train your abdominals specifically in order to really see the definition you want — so we’ve come up with a killer core workout that will sculpt every ab muscle.

We often think of the abdominals as one big muscle group, but this is, in fact, not true. Our abs are made up of many different muscle groups, so this workout is made with your entire abdominal area in mind.

These areas include the lower abdominals, upper abdominals and your entire core (including the obliques and the lower back).

Also Read: 30-Day Abs And Squats Challenge

Give it a try and let us know what you think!

Perform four to five sets of 20 to 25 controlled repetitions of one of each exercise for the lower abdominals, upper abdominals and core.

The Workout

Lower Abdominals (Pick One)

Upper Abdominals (Pick One)

Core (Pick One)

Lower Abdominals

Hanging Leg Raise

Hold from a bar above your head. Make sure your torso is fully straight. Hinge at the hips while keeping your legs straight. In a slow and controlled manner raise your legs to 90 degrees. Return to starting position and repeat.

Hanging Leg Tuck

Hold from a bar above your head. Make sure your torso is fully straight. Hinge at the hips while keeping your legs bent. In a slow and controlled manner raise your knees to tuck them into your chest. Return to starting position and repeat.

Bench V-Ups

Sit on the edge of a bench or chair. Keeping your legs straight hinge at the waist and raise your legs towards your torso making a V. In a slow and controlled manner. Then return them to the starting position and repeat.

Laying V-Sit

Laying on your back with your arms extended above your head begin to make a V by raising your legs and hands towards each other. In a slow and controlled manner. Then return to the starting position and repeat.

Upper Abdominals

Exercise Ball Crunches

Place lower back on the centre of the exercise ball. Your feet should be flat on the ground. Pull your belly button in and crunch. Then return to the starting position and repeat.

Weighted Cable Crunch

You will need to pick a weight that is challenging on a cable machine. Then grab the ropes in each hand and kneel on the ground. Round the back and pull the belly button in and crunch. Then slow and controlled return to the starting position and repeat.

Bosu Ball Crunches

Place lower back on the centre of the bosu ball. Your feet should be flat on the ground. Pull your belly button in and crunch. Then return to the starting position and repeat.

Bosu Ball Dead Bug

Place lower back on the centre of the exercise ball. Your feet should be off of the ground. Pull your belly button in and crunch. Then hold this crunch for as long as you can (failure).


Plank On Floor

Place your hands or forearms on the ground making a straight line from your hand to your elbow all the way through to your shoulder. Raise your hips upward and keep your back straight while your belly button is pulled in. Hold this position for as long as possible (until failure).

Plank On Exercise Ball

Place your hands or forearms on the exercise ball making a straight line from your hand to your elbow all the way through to your shoulder. Raise your hips upward and keep your back straight while your belly button is pulled in. Hold this position for as long as possible (until failure).

Plank On Bosu Ball

Place your hands or forearms on the bosu ball making a straight line from your hand to your elbow all the way through to your shoulder. Raise your hips upward and keep your back straight while your belly button is pulled in. Hold this position for as long as possible (until failure).

Bird Dog

Get on the ground on your hands and knees. Make sure that your back is flat. Raise your left arm out straight and your right leg out straight. Hold for as long as possible (until failure) then repeat this same movement with your right arm and your left leg for as long as possible (until failure).