
Feel The Love With This Valentine’s Day Workout Circuit

By Christina Tonello

February 13, 2017

We all know Valentine’s Day is about celebrating love and relationships. But if you’re single, that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily left out of this loved-up holiday. On the contrary: there’s no greater relationship than the one you have with yourself, and it’s important to remember this on Feb. 14.

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Whether you’re spending Valentine’s Day with your significant other, your friends or simply enjoying your own company, here’s a fun workout that will get your heart racing and have you feeling the love.

Every themed workout I design has a special “fun surprise” component added to it. For this Valentine’s Day workout in particular, you are your own timer — you must start your timer by saying, “I love….” and say state five things that you love about yourself, your life, or the people you are working out with. If you stall or say anything negative, you must do five push-ups on spot!

Also Read: Epic Couple’s Workout To Build Muscle

Complete each exercise by saying five “I love…” things before moving onto the next move. Complete the circuit three times total for a full-body workout. Not only does this workout get that heart pumping and those endorphins flowing, but you’ll feel empowered and self-confident afterwards, too — because we can all use a little self-esteem boost, especially on Valentine’s Day.

The best part about this workout? Whether you decide do it on our own, with your significant other or with your BFF, you’re guaranteed to be feeling the love once you’re finished.

What are you waiting for? Wear something red, get moving and have some fun!

High Knees

Find an open space. Like jogging on the spot, but instead lift your knees up higher towards your stomach. Continue this movement.

Spiderman Push-Ups

Start in push-up position. Once you complete a push-up, walk your right hand slightly forward, followed by your right foot. Complete a push-up from this position. Then, move your left hand and foot slightly in front of the right and complete a push-up. You will be moving forward, so make sure you are in a hallway space. Each push-up equals one “I love…”

(Beginners: Complete the push-up portion off of your knees, but move forward in plank position then dropping back onto your knees).

Vertical Jump

Find a space that can accommodate a big jump upwards. Find a wall where you can tap a spot and set a visual goal for yourself. Stand close to the wall and with lots of power, jump up! Each jump equals one “I love…”

Plank Jacks

Start in plank position off of your forearms and toes. Make sure your back is flat and knees are off the ground. Your forehead should be just ahead of your hands and core squeezed tight. Jump your feet out to the sides then back in together. Repeat this movement.

Squat Jump-Taps

Start in squat position with feet shoulder-width apart. Jump up into the air, using your arms for momentum. As you land back down in squat position, tap your fingertips onto the ground. Repeat this movement.

Low Side Squats

Find a hallway space to use. Start in squat position with feet shoulder-width apart and have either side facing the hallway. Stay low and pretend the ceiling is touching your head as you side squat your way down the hallway.

Note: You can complete this exercise with a booty band or small resistance band around your quads.

Single-Leg Squats

You may use anything around the house such as a couch, chair, stairs, TRX, bannister etc. Be positioned so you’re going to sit right back onto a seat. If you’re holding onto a band, set your position so when you sit back your knee doesn’t go far (if at all) over your front toe.

Place one leg out front so it’s out of the way. Sit back into squat position using your other leg then stand up to start position. Repeat your five “I love…” per leg.

Repeat the circuit 2 more times.

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