Slumberland and Bedroom Quirks

You have just moved in with your partner, but you haven’t gotten the right mattress yet. You are still trying to rid yourself of the old mattress. However, you haven’t figured out whether you should buy a new king size or queen size mattress. You turn to your best friends, but they do not give you accurate info. So, you decide to research online and visit your local showroom for more information.

We will be looking at queen vs. king bed dimensions. In India, queen size bed dimensions are 36” × 78”. King size, but is 76” X 80”.

Queen size bed are smaller compared to king-sized beds. A king-size bed can fit in two average size people to sleep together while a queen size bed fit in two people as well. There might be a squeeze if two people were sleeping on a queen size instead. So, it might be better to get a king-size if you are having a partner

King size beds also cost more than queen size beds. In other countries, bed size might be different. However, the bed dimensions given above are from India.

Next, you bought a new mattress, but you want to get rid of the old one. So you are wondering to yourself, is there mattress disposal near me? There are two methods to get rid of an unwanted mattress, mattress recycling and mattress donation. Mattress recycling is recommended because many parts of the bed can be reused to create other new products. These parts might be from the foam or the upholstery. All these recycled parts are put away to good use, and you know that you did not throw away a right mattress.

The second method, is to donate the mattress. There is no reason to throw the bed away unless you cannot use it at all. If the foundation is less than seven years, then you can give it to the people around you. You can also give it to charity homes. Either way, you are not creating environmental waste. 

There is a recycling program that is created by the council. When you buy a mattress, there is a recycling fee collected by retailers. The money is used to recycle old pallets. You can send the bed to the council for recycling.

You have bought your mattress, but now you are interested in home goods. One of the resident home goods product names is Level Sleep. It has an average mattress size. We will be looking at Level Sleep, which has been tested to reduce pain. This company is working with the top researchers in the market, and the home goods can improve sleep. If you don’t feel the difference, you can get a refund.

The bed has a support zone and other softer zones that can support the back, shoulders, and hips. It will relieve you from pain regardless of the way you sleep. Therefore if you want a proper support system when you sleep you should get this bed.