Temporary Work In Nursing – Benefit Checks, Salary, Experience, FAQs

Temporary work is the temporary assignment of employees from one company to another. In the case of nursing, temporary workers are employed by a company that they lend to a hospital, old people’s home, and nursing services for a certain period, for example. Hence the often synonymous alternative terms agency work or temporary agency work.

Temporary work in the care sector – the special role

Several factors give temporary employment a special position in the nursing industry – a positive one for employees.

Temporary employment is generally seen as an opportunity for low-skilled workers or unemployed people to have a decent job in the long term. It is often speculated that they will be directly employed by an employer where an employee previously worked as a temporary worker.

In nursing, on the other hand, the nurse staffing agency work model is just as interesting as an alternative for registered geriatric nurses as it is for nurses or nursing assistants.

The reason that nurses like to switch more and more to temporary work is because of the working conditions. Due to the enormous lack of nursing staff, many direct employees in nursing have to perform more and more tasks that are not part of the core activities. In many cases, internal pressure from colleagues forces them to step in and take over shifts, although something was planned privately.

The need for nursing staff is increasing. In contrast to many other commercial companies, hospitals, old people’s homes, or other institutions cannot simply register and process bankruptcy – people have to be taken care of.

As a result, nursing facilities need employees so that they do not have to block beds or entire wards in hospitals or to avoid being unable to care for people properly.

Since there is hardly any nursing staff on the free labor market, there is a grotesque situation:

Nurses’ indirect employment often suffers from working conditions and a lack of flexibility. On the other hand, if you switch to a temporary nurse staffing agency, some of them may be used by the old employer, but at significantly better personal terms.

Nurses are often given better working conditions and the same – or even a higher salary – for less work and less stress for temporary employment agencies. Holidays, Christmas bonuses, further training, or similar amenities are also attracting more and more dissatisfied nurses to temporary work.

For nursing assistants, on the other hand, due to the lower hourly wages, too many services would have to be provided for the 1/4 mini-job model to be worthwhile.

Nursing professions in the temporary work check

It is not very easy to find out for yourself what advantages you can get out of temporary work by changing jobs with which nursing profession you have learned. Depending on the life situation or personal preferences, advantages can also be very individual. They are often more important than just a little more salary.

Our advantage check provides first clues as to what is included with which nursing profession or which additional qualification / further training in terms of salary, vacation days, and general advantages in temporary employment relationships. An assessment of the question of which profession is in nursing at temporary employment agencies should not be missing.

Possible benefits of temporary agency work in nursing professions

  • More say in duty planning
  • Desired vacation (no consultation with colleagues)
  • Desired services (possible depending on qualification)
  • Fixed rosters (no constant intervention)
  • No stress with organizational work such as new certifications or similar.
  • Additional expenses for meals
  • Desired training
  • Core care professions

Call for temporary work in nursing

If the topic of temporary work arises among nurses in discussions, the temporary agency workers either gain envious glances or mistakenly feel sorry for them. It all depends on how well interviewees have dealt with the topic of temporary work in nursing before.

It is correct that temporary agency work generally does not have a good reputation. People often think that they are less qualified and that they would earn less if the working conditions were worse. This can be the case in some industries, but in parts, it is exactly the opposite in care.

Compassion often deserves compassionate workers who do not dare to change jobs and continue to work what do I earn as a temporary worker?

If you have completed nursing training, you usually earn at least the same amount of money as temporary work as a nurse in nurse staffing for a direct job. Sometimes even for fewer hours.

Under working conditions were not only their happiness is neglected, but also their health.

FAQ: Nursing & Temporary Work

Members of which nursing professions benefit most from temporary work?

In times of a shortage of skilled workers, the following also applies in nursing: the higher the level of training and the less competition on the job market, the better the chances of being able to implement many preferred terms with the employer.

Who is responsible for me as a temporary worker?

You are solely responsible for the agency that you signed a contract with. She is your contact for all matters. She pays your salary, special benefits, takes care of vacation planning, and the conditions under which you work for a company.

What do I earn as a temporary worker?

If you have completed nursing training, you usually earn at least the same amount of money as temporary work for a direct job. Sometimes even for fewer hours.