10 tips for those, who suffer from motion sickness

Kinetosis is an unhealthy condition that occurs during movement. In general, kinetosis is not a pathology, but a normal reaction of the body to a movement unusual for it, because by nature, the human vestibular apparatus is set to accelerate in a horizontal plane and is not at all adapted to vertical movements. That is why on an airplane, aboard a ship or a yacht, when it moves up and down, most of us experience severe dizziness and nausea. The same goes for abrupt changes of movement: acceleration – braking – again acceleration, which happens when traveling around the city in a car.

The motion sickness symptoms are very individual. Someone suffers solely from seasickness and quite calmly drives along the mountain serpentine for five hours in a row, someone feels uncomfortable in the high-speed elevator. For some, mint gum is a real salvation, while others cannot see it at such moments. The best way to win in a fight with kinetosis is to listen to your own feelings while following all the recommendations. These tips together with the most comfortable cars of van rental Las Vegas airport would make you feel better during the trip.

Symptoms of “seasickness”:

  • dizziness
  • visual impairment: double vision, dilated pupils
  • lack of appetite
  • excessive drooling
  • weakness, pallor
  • the skin is covered with cold sweat
  • frequent, intermittent breathing
  • rapid heartbeat

What is necessary to do before the trip in case you are inclined to seasickness?

There are some general tips that are fair for all modes of transport:

  1. Do not starve.

Right before the trip, it is not worth eating a lot, of course, but it is also useless to travel, when you feel hungry: then you will be dizzy even more. It is best to eat something light in 1.5-2 hours before the trip: vegetables, fruits, crackers, boiled eggs. And be sure to drink plenty of water.

  1. If motion sickness is a regular problem, it makes sense to use special medicines. Consult a doctor to find the right medication.

In case you do not want to experiment with medicines, take a sour lollipop when you have symptoms of seasickness, or eat ascorbic acid candy. Another good remedy for motion sickness is ginger. Moreover, there are no contraindications, and there is a lot of benefit.

  1. Put a cool compress to the back of the head.
  2. On the way, try to avoid stuffiness and drink mint tea with lemon. Both of these tastes cope well with nausea.
  3. Alcohol is not recommended in such situation.
  4. Avoid flavors.

Sometimes it seems that everything is fine, but smells can provoke unpleasant symptoms. Cologne or perfume, tobacco smoke and fatty food, can make such triggers. Try to avoid flavors and ask fellow travelers to do the same.

  1. Fresh air helps to relieve nausea.

Sensing motion sickness, open the window wider (the air conditioner in this case will not solve the problem) and breathe in, taking a deep breath.

  1. Try to travel lying.

Remember, in the recumbent posture, the vestibular apparatus tolerates speed drops better, and therefore it is better for a child and an adult, who is constantly seasick, to lie down and try to sleep.

  1. Do not sit against the course of the movement.

It does not refer to a baby in a car seat. Your body still does not understand anything, but here you are confusing it by rushing forward with your back. In a tour bus or long-distance bus (where everyone is sitting), sit closer to the driver and the windshield. This method is still practiced by schoolteachers and guides.

  1. Try not to look out the window.

Yes, it is clear that there can be beautiful. However, the movement of objects is not the best assistant, as we have already learned.

If you still feel bad while traveling by car or bus, ask the driver to stop. Get out of the car into the fresh air, breathe deeply and rhythmically. If there is water at hand – wet your palms; wash your face, neck, temples. Rinse your mouth with water; you can take a sip of soda or any sour drink. When the first nausea goes away and you feel better, put a lemon slice in your mouth. In case, when your travel companion feels seasick, and so much that the person is sick to fainting, give him/her a sniff of cotton wool soaked in ammonia. After that, remove the person from the cabin and allow him/her to lie on the grass until it is better. Only then can you give the opportunity to wash, drink something sour and offer sour candy or chewing gum, which will start the process of digestion and relieve nausea.