8 Practical Tips in Managing Arthritis in Your Dog

Is your dog having difficulty standing and walking lately? Is he losing the enthusiasm to greet you when you are around? Your canine may be experiencing a severe ailment, and it could be arthritis. Fortunately, some products are already available to manage this debilitating disease, such as the cbd oil for dogs.

Based on data from the Arthritis Foundation, around one in five adult dogs have arthritis. The foundation also claimed dogs that are more than 7-years-old are 65% more likely to develop the disease. Because of these stats, the canine arthritis treatment market will experience a compound annual growth rate of around 4% until 2029, from about $1.9 billion in 2019.

Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis in Dogs

There are several possible causes of canine arthritis. Also, larger breeds like German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, and Labradors are at higher risks of developing the disease. Here are some of the indications your four-legged pet may have arthritis:

  • He is always irritable, and whines, whimpers, or pants a lot.
  • He is very lame
  • He experiences difficulty in walking, jumping, or climbing your stairs
  • He has swollen joints
  • He loses his appetite
  • He experiences unusual weight gain or becomes obese
  • His joint muscles are becoming thinner (muscle wasting)
  • There are popping and cracking sounds when he moves his joints
  • He licks his joint areas a lot.
  • He is slow to rise from a resting position
  • He causes accidents in your house
  • He exhibits abnormal urinating habits
  • He seems to be depressed or lonely
  • There is a significant reduction in his activities, and he prefers to sleep more

Useful Strategies to Help Your Pet Prevent or Manage Arthritis Pain

There are some medical and nonmedical steps you can use to help your dog recover from arthritis. But before trying them, you must consult with your vet to avoid complications. Here are some of the approaches:

  • Encourage him to exercise regularly by taking him on a walk. You can also swim together to increase his muscle mass without stressing his joints too much.
  • Make sure his sleeping area is comfortable to allow him to sleep properly and avoid unnecessary pressure on his joints.
  • Maintain his weight by feeding him the right food. Based on research, foods rich in dietary fatty acids help reduce inflammation and limit cartilage damage in dogs.
  • Enter him in animal physical rehabilitation for therapy. Canine treatments include massage, cold and heat therapies, stretching, and range-of-motion exercises.
  • Try acupuncture and massage treatments.
  • Use medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectants, and glucocorticoids (also called cortisone or steroids).
  • For more severe cases, you may consider surgery to improve his functions and movements. The procedure will also reduce his pain.
  • Try natural over-the-counter remedies like CBD oil for dogs. A growing number of pet products companies are using cannabidiol (CBD) as the main ingredient in their veterinary products due to its proven efficacy.

The proper treatment of your dog’s maladies will allow you to enjoy his company longer. Bring him to your vet immediately if he shows some signs and symptoms of arthritis to prevent it from worsening.