All You Need To Know About Colon Cleansing

You know the good feeling you get when you successfully empty your bowels. Somewhat relaxing and soothing perhaps. Now, recall the cramps you had when you were bloated or constipated…Colon clearing could be the difference between these two experiences. The good news is you can do it without the help of a therapist.

What is colon cleansing?

Colon cleansing is the process of removing useless waste products from the body after all the essential minerals and nutrients are absorbed in the body.

You can get the benefits of this therapy by using home ingredients or using colon cleansing supplement products by Solis Labs.

Benefits of colon cleansing

There is no scientific proof that colon cleansing has benefits. Researchers say that the body is self-cleansing a function that is aided by the kidney, liver and the hormones present in the body. The starch and enzymes present in the colon cleansing food is said to be responsible for the boost in energy, mood and general body wellness. However, these are the benefits associated with colon cleansing.

  1. Enhances fertility

When you detox, you eat lots of whole grain and fiber-rich foods. This reduces the presence of bad fats that put pressure on the uterus and other reproductive organs, therefore, reducing female fertility. Additionally many toxins that could possibly affect the ova and sperms are removed thus, increasing the chances of conceiving.

  1. Boosts energy

When the body has a build-up of waste, the metabolism is slowed down. The blood struggles to circulate minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients. This makes one to feel tired and moody. So when you detox, blood circulation is efficient thus you’re energetic and relaxed.

  1. Improves alertness

Eating high calories diet can slow down the absorption of vitamins in the body. Further, the continuous accumulation of mucus and toxins on the walls of the intestines can slow down metabolism. This can prevent the body from getting what is required to function.

So when you flush the system the waste, your body is relieved resulting to enhanced concentration, and focus.

  1. Improves the performance of the digestive system.

As the juice diet passes through the gut, it clears all the waste. This leaves a system that readily absorbs nutrients and functions optimally.

Here’s how

  1. Flushing with water

Water is a super cleanser and so by just drinking it you will flood your gut with the required lubricant to move the bowels. Additionally, water will moisten the stool and facilitate its movement .Often when you are dehydrated; there is less bowel movement because the body is trying to retain all the water. Consequently, the body reabsorbs water from the bowel making the stool hard and smelly. So, take plenty of water daily to ensure all waste is flushed out.

  1. Warm salty water

Salt has been used for various home remedies for long. To use it for colon cleansing, add two teaspoons of salt in a cupful of lukewarm water. You can use Himalaya salt for best results.

Gulping this water on an empty stomach will give you the urge to pass water. So do it in the morning before you have breakfast.

Take precaution! Do this while you’re in the house because…this regimen will flush you out.

  1. Fruits and vegetables

When eaten raw or in form of juice, it is effective in clearing the colon. Fruits and vegetables are rich in phytochemicals, fiber content and sugars. The simple sugar known as fructose has a laxative effect and promotes stool movement.

  1. The best fruits to use are green apples, kiwi, bananas, grapes, and prunes. To your fruit you can add vegetables such as carrots, beetroots, cucumber, ginger , and lettuce .You can also opt to make a smoothie with these assorted goodies to maximize the benefits from the fiber, water and nutrients.
  2. Various herbal teas

Aloe Vera, psyllium, marshmallow and slimy elm can help to ease constipation. However, use these teas sparingly and in consultation with your doctor.

Other herbs you can drink are cayenne pepper, garlic and ginger. They are not only laxatives but also contain anti-microbial, phyto-chemicals which fight disease causing bacteria.

Mix any of these herbs in a cupful of warm water. Drinking a cup a day will give you a relaxing feel on your bowels. Using the drink up to three times a day would still be okay.

  1. Seeds

Chia seeds and flaxseeds are widely known as super foods. This is because they contain omega-3 which is good fatty acids. These oils reduce inflammation in your gut as well as remove toxins build up in the colon.

Simply add a teaspoon of these seeds in your drinking water. Or sprinkle these crunchy seeds in your salad, pudding or smoothie.

  1. High fiber diet

Foods that are rich in fiber, is an excellent way of keeping the bowels all cleaned out. Such foods are beans, lentils, quinoa and oatmeal. Vegetables that are rich in fiber include peas, Brussels sprouts and artichoke. They are best when steamed, boiled or shallow fried.

  1. Fermented foods

Fermented foods contain significant levels of probiotics which can reduce gas, constipation, bloating and the risks of infections. Yoghurt, which is a version of fermented milk, has bifido-bacteria and lactic which are good bacteria.

The probiotics present in this form, improve the gut performance and remedy digestive disorders. Consume yoghurt with live cultivation bacteria for best results. Other type of fermented foods includes apple cider vinegar, miso, kumchi, and wine.

Risks associated with colon cleansing

There are dangers associated with colon flushing. The major setbacks include

  • Imbalance of electrolytes
  • Perforation of the bowel
  • Bowel dysfunction
  • Bowel infection
  • Dehydration
  • Pere-anal sores

Minor implications could be:

  • Bloating
  • Irritability
  • Fullness
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Nausea

Take caution!

Avoid colon cleansing if you have kidney, liver and heart complications. Similarly, if you have had colon surgery or you suffer colitis, you should only proceed with the therapy with the physician’s instructions.

To wrap it up

If colon cleansing is not overdone, it can improve digestive health. Whether the claims hold or not is still an ongoing debate. Just ensure you confirm with your doctor.