Becoming Perfect Parents: How To Ensure A Healthy Brought-Up For Your Child?

Parents are responsible for the mental healthcare and physical well-being of their children. Protecting one’s child is an instinct that almost all creatures equally possess. Unfortunately, many American children suffer from different sorts of ailments that hinder their growth. A healthy lifestyle and careful nourishment ensure a bright future for our younger generation. Many parents’ failure to bring up healthy children isn’t because of any negligence on their part. Sheer misinformation and lack of health guidelines tarnish children’s well-being. In this brief article, we’ll cover some basic instructions for perfect parenting.



Engaging them in physical activities promises the healthy growth of children. The evolution of technology has made youngsters glued to the screen. Parents should encourage them to spend some time away from their smartphones. Limit the time they spend in front of a television or computer. It will reduce their body fat and drive them to find healthier modes of entertainment. You should replace unhealthy habits such as mindless snacking with productive activities.

Find opportunities to walk instead of drive. Yoga sessions and dance classes can also contribute to growth and development. But not all activities need to be familial. Make sure your child actively participates in extra-curricular activities at school.


Your child’s mental stability is as important as his/her bodily well-being. Anxiety, depression, and ADHD are some of the dominant mental disorders among American children. More children suffer from a psychological ailment than from cancer/diabetes. So, experts recommend specific relaxation techniques for children to minimize these health concerns. Meditation and breathing exercises promote mental clarity and improve communication capabilities in children.

But you can try some widely known relaxation techniques for children, such as Lemon, Feather and Statue, Lazy Cat, Stress Balls, etc. Drawing and coloring are some easy activities for your kid’s mental health. These exercises help confused children be creative and express themselves without hesitation.


The entire family getting together for dinner at the table is a portrait of the American dream. It helps you control and modify your children’s eating habits. Millions of Americans suffer from some sort of eating disorder. Family dinner also encourages kids to prefer home-cooked meals over fast-food. Studies depicted a low rate of obesity for children eating along with their parents. Having meals together can also be a helpful bonding exercise for the entire household.

Try to add the following products in your nutritional inventory:

  • Fish
  • Peanuts
  • Eggs
  • Fruits (pumpkin)
  • Vegetables (spinach)
  • Whole grain
  • Wheat flour
  • Multi-grain Bread

Monkey see monkey do. Children tend to look upon the parents as role models and imitate the behavior they observe. So, you should abandon your unhealthy habits if you want to become a perfect parent figure. Distance yourself from cigarettes because passive smoking is harmful to kids’ lungs. Parents should create a positive environment around the child for his/her healthy growth. Interaction with kids polishes their communication skills.

Even your cooking skills can benefit your kid’s growth; don’t cook food in butter/vegetable oil. Olive/canola oil is a healthier option. Encourage the child to eat nutritious snacks.


1 in 5 teenagers suffers from childhood obesity. Drinking lots of water can seriously lower this risk. Unfortunately, children nowadays prefer beverages other than water. Soda has more sugar than required by a child. Therefore, parents should motivate the kids to drink more water but consume less sugar. These sweetened drinks add extra calories and hinder healthy growth among children. Constant re-hydration helps kids regulate their body temperature.

Children of age 4-13 should drink 6-8 glasses of water every day. By sea, we don’t mean pure H2O in a bottle. Tea, milk, juices, shakes, and smoothies are just as good as water.


Sleep is necessary for children to function appropriately in their routine. Parents must monitor their kids’ sleep routines to ensure they’re getting all the rest they need. Incorrect sleep patterns can negatively affect a child’s growth. The secretion of growth hormones follows the onset of sleep. As a parent, you should encourage your kids to sleep at ten and wake up early in the morning. Signs of sleep deprivation include:

  • Caffeine dependency
  • Waking up lazily in the morning
  • Falling asleep quickly
  • Acting lazy when stimulated
  • Feeling of exhaustion and drowsiness throughout the day

Some parents frequently ask: How many hours of sleep does my child need? Adults need 7-9 hours of rest daily. As for children, the Nation Sleep Foundation believes:

  • Preschoolers (age3-5) need 10-13 hours
  • School-age children (6-13) need 9-11 hours
  • Teenagers (14-17) need 8-19 hours.

Immunization and vaccination protect children from contracting dangerous diseases. Some of these ailments can be life-threatening. Therefore, parents need to be careful about vaccinating their children. Routine dental checkups and eye examinations make sure your child is in perfect shape. The weakness of eyesight can lead to poor academic performance. It’s always better to take the kid to the family doctor. This trick encourages the child to trust that physician. To become perfect parents, you need to learn about childhood vaccinations.

Some patents use HGH (human growth hormones) supplements to increase the kid’s height and weight. Choose this option only after careful investigation and discussions with doctors.


Maintaining personal hygiene guarantees healthy growth among children. It protects not just your kids but also you from contracting a disease. If you care about your child’s well-being, take good care of your health. Personal hygiene includes brushing your teeth, wiping your privates in the toilet, taking a shower regularly, and stuff like that. Teach your kids to avoid polluting the environment. Give them early education about the disadvantages of pollution and our responsibility to the earth’s climate.


Parents are perfect for their children. But do you consider your parenting skills to be top-notch? That’s the crux of this discussion; your kids deserve the best for their healthy growth. It’s your responsibility to provide means for that. Your child should be mentally and bodily fit if you want him/her to be successful. Parents just can’t force ‘good habits’ if they are sloppy themselves. Motivate your children and encourage them to adopt healthy practices. Perfect parents don’t compel the youngsters to become healthy. They inspire young ones to become healthy in body and mind.