Dunlop v.s. Talalay: which makes the better mattress?

“I would love to sleep well at night, but am not sure how to.  I think the key is in the type of mattress a person sleeps on. Since I am unfamiliar with this, can you explain this to me in more detail?”  Certainly!  It is true that the type of mattress you sleep on plays a crucial role in determining how long and how well you sleep at night.  But more important than type is quality. You are not going to sleep well on a lumpy mattress with lots of loose springs. Mattress type and quality is further explained below, so read on to learn more!

Dunlop v.s. Talalay, which is better?

“I have heard of those mattresses, but am not sure which is better?  I want to know the following: Dunlop v.s. Talalay mattress:  which is better?”  For some basic knowledge, dunlop and talalay are two different types of latex material which mattresses are made out of.  Latex mattresses can be made out of natural or lab made foam-like materials and are designed to offer you great comfort when you sleep.  These mattresses contain innersprings, individually wrapped coils, or dense polyfoam which will give your body and back a great deal of support when you sleep at night.  As for the type of latex mattress which is better, dunlop wins out because it is certified.

Did you know that your bed frame makes all the difference?

“Did I know that my bed frame makes all the difference in what?”  Well it strongly influences the type and quantity of sleep you get at night!  If you have a king size mattress, you will need a box spring alternative king size bed frame because these are the largest.  Therefore they will give your back and body the maximum support and stretching room it needs for you to fall soundly asleep quickly.  They best types of bed frames to buy in this instance are metal bed frames because they will evenly and properly distribute the mattresses’s and your body weight thereby ensuring that you sleep on a sturdy, even, and comfortable mattress.  This does matter if you want to enjoy long hours of sleep at night and if you want to fall asleep quickly!

What is the best hybrid mattress in India?

“I love Indian things and wonder what the best hybrid mattress in India is!”  The answer to your question is a luxury hybrid mattress because it is made out of five layers of the best natural latex ever produced.  These mattresses are designed to ensure that you sleep well at night and are woven and sewn with each layer reinforcing and supporting the previous one.  You will always get plenty of uninterrupted rest with these mattresses.

Now you don’t have to ‘count sheep’ at night

Now getting a good night’s sleep is no longer an elusive ‘dream.  With the right mattress and bed frame, you will no longer have to desperately and frantically count sheep in order to fall asleep!