15 Partner-Friendly Ab Exercises For A Stronger Core

Working out with a friend or loved one not only keeps you accountable, but it also adds some fun to your routine.

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Since core strength is so important, we’ve included several exercises you can do with a partner to strengthen your abdominals.

1. Partner-Friendly High-Five Planks

  • Both partners get in a plank position facing one another.
  • Now, alternate giving high fives with your right and left hands while maintaining a strong plank position.
  • This can be performed by holding the plank on your forearms or your hands.

2. Squat-And-Twist Ab Exercises

  • Stand with your backs toward each other in a squat or bent-knee position.
  • Pass a weighted ball clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  • This helps engage the obliques.

3. Overhead Pass Abs Workout

  • Standing back-to-back, one partner holds a weighted ball overhead and passes it to the other partner.
  • Then, both partners squat, and the person with the ball rolls it between his or her legs for the other to pick it up and start the cycle again.
  • Remember to pull your abs in as you bend down and stretch up.

4. Downward Dog Meets Plank

  • One partner goes into a downward dog position, while the other crawls through or under the downward dog, and then forms a plank.
  • The partner performing the downward dog then steps over the partner in plank position.
  • Repeat: downward dog, crawl through, plank, step over, downward dog, rotating partners.

5. Push Together

  • Grab a soft, unweighted ball (like a fitball or bender ball).
  • Each partner holds the same ball and tries to push the other person.
  • As you resist the push, engage your core muscles.

6. Sculpt Your Abs with High-Five Crunches

  • Each partner lies in a supine (on the back) position with knees bent and feet touching.
  • Roll up, high five, and roll down in a slow and controlled manner.

7. Kneeling-Partner Twist

  • Get back-to-back in a kneeling position and gently twist to the right, until you can pass a weighted ball to your partner.
  • Then, twist to the left side to get the ball.
  • The twist will strengthen your obliques.

8. V-Sit And Pass

  • Sit 1-2 feet away from your partner with your knees bent.
  • Hold a medicine ball at your chest, and lean back a few inches and rotate one way and then the other, keeping your core tight.
  • Throw the ball to your partner; next, it’s his or her turn to perform the movement.

9. Toss-The-Ball Ab Crunches

  • Each partner lies down with knees bent and feet touching one another.
  • Throw a weighted ball back and forth as each person comes up to simultaneously perform ab crunches.

10. Squat And Jump Together

  • Each partner faces the other and holds onto one end of a resistance band.
  • Stand far enough to create tension in the band.
  • Simultaneously lower into a squat position, and then jump as high as you both can.
  • Land in the squat position.

11. Twist-And-Shout Trunk Rotation

  • Each partner wraps a band around the back of their waist, while the other partner holds the handles.
  • Move apart from one another so that the band has resistance.
  • Then, tighten your core and rotate your torso in one direction while your partner rotates in the opposite direction.

12. One-Leg Chest Pass Core Exercises

  • Stand on one leg, about five feet from your partner, who is also standing on one leg.
  • Your core will have to remain engaged to balance as you pass a ball between one another.
  • Switch legs after you’ve passed the ball for 30-60 seconds.

13. Foot Press On A BOSU Ball

  • Each partner sits on a BOSU ball, facing one another, in a V-position, with their legs bent and their feet pressed against one another.
  • Now march or press each foot without losing your balance. (If you lose balance, it’s a sign you need to put more core strength into the move).
  • If you’ve never done this before, it’s okay to hold onto the sides of the BOSU until you get the hang of it.

14. BOSU For The Core

  • Each partner begins seated on the BOSU ball in a partially reclined position with their heels touching the floor (face your partner).
  • Toss the medicine ball back and forth.
  • Try not to lift your feet or touch the ground with your hands.

15. Wheelbarrow Push-Ups

  • One person begins in a traditional push-up position, while the other grabs the feet of the person doing the push-up.
  • You’ll need to tighten your core to do as many push-ups as you can — as your partner does squats on each downward motion.

After you’ve got in a good sweat session together, end your routine with partner stretches.