Follow Our Guide to Getting in Shape this Winter

It’s never too late to start working towards that beach body you’ve always dreamed of. As a matter of fact, it could be in your best interest to get into shape during the winter months. Without the pressure of showing off your physique in a bikini, you’re able to focus and form a solid foundation for your physical health.

Work Out Regularly

To get into shape you don’t have to commit to a hardcore workout routine straight from the beginning — instead you can ease into it with lower-intensity activities. Yoga is a great practice that not only eases you into physical activity, but it also increases flexibility, augments muscle strength, and increases energy levels.

Even something like simple morning stretches can help you start your day off right. The endorphins your body releases during exercise are responsible for that positive sensation you feel right after working out.
And for those who suffer from depression, the long winter months can be a trigger. In those instances, staying physically active is not only beneficial to their physical health, but it also is a great way to support mental health.

Physical Grooming

If you are heading off for a winter getaway or simply waiting for the following summer, you’re not going to want to hide your body, and you shouldn’t. So, don’t let body hair keep you from baring it all.

The winter months are ideal for beginning hair removal treatments because by the time summer rolls around, you’ll be sporting silky smooth hairless skin.

Buy yourself an at home hair removal device that uses the same technology as your dermatologist. The Silk’n hair removal system gives you the same spa-level treatment but within the privacy of your home. Also, these handheld devices are designed to treat any part of your body that has unwanted hair, including arms and the upper lip area.

Better Sleep

You can have the most flawless skin and be the most disciplined person in the gym, but that means very little if you’re not getting enough sleep.

Sleep is the body’s way of recharging, and when it’s not able to fully rest, more serious health concerns can occur. During sleep, cortisol production decreases, which means stress levels decrease. In addition to that, other chemicals circulate throughout the body that strengthen your immune system. Essentially, without proper rest, you’ll never be in the best shape you could be.

Some people can function with only five to six hours of sleep, and others desperately need at least 9 or 10. Listen to your body. Be sure you’re getting enough sleep. If not, adjust your schedule accordingly.

If getting adequate rest at night is an issue, employ strategies to help you. You can begin by eliminating screen time up to an hour before bedtime. You can fill that time with something relaxing, like journaling or reading.

Once in bed, listen to music or guided meditations to help you drift off to sleep. Many apps have built-in timers that’ll shut off after a specified amount of time.

Getting into shape is more than just attending workout classes. It’s about bringing forth the best version of you physically and mentally.