Intermittent Fasting: All You Need To Know

Thousands of people all over the world have used various methods in a bid to peel off unwanted pounds and improve their overall health. Many of them tried a number of exercise routines, starvation and a bunch of fitness tips from numerous experts. But what if there is another way to achieve desired effect without spending hours at the gym and counting every single calorie you consume? The intermittent fasting might be really helpful in this situation. Many people claim about its positive effects. In this article you’ll find out more about it and the benefits it can bring for your health.

The main point is that you should focus on when you eat, not on how much you eat, though your eating choices are still quite vital for you to get necessary amounts of nutrients. Of course, you should choose the products, that will provide your body with essential vitamins. Yet, there are misconceptions about how it’s possible to enjoy a meal, skip a couple of hours, and slim down. Well, if you’re curious about how intermittent fasting can work miracles in terms of your overall health and wellbeing, read on!

What is intermittent fasting?

There is a wide range of ideas about the process involved in intermittent fasting. Some people even label it as a diet. However, this is wrong, because this method of fasting does more than give you instructions what to eat. It’s a special plan used to schedule your meals to make the most of their benefits in your body. Moreover, it helps you make the right decision on when to have your meal instead of bossing the number of calories you consume.

Most people who are keen on using this weight loss method usually try different systems. In most cases, what works is actually having an app like the BetterMe app. It helps to schedule meals and keeps you honest with your intermittent fasting plans.

If your aim is to lose weight or achieve a leaner figure, fasting intermittently is one of the most effective methods to get desired results. This is because there are crash diets and crazy workout routines that could reduce not only your body fat, but your muscle mass. This isn’t the case when you fast intermittently. Here, your calorie intake is not that important. In fact, according to a 2011 study, concerned with intermittent fasting and daily calorie restriction: “Intermittent calorie restriction may be more effective for the retention of lean mass”.

Intermittent fasting is basically a schedule that helps you to peel off unwanted pounds. Do you know what is the best thing about it? It requires little to no behavior. This is what makes it the surest way get rid of excess inches.

Why Intermittent Fasting is Good for Your Body

Fasting can bring numerous benefits associated with weight loss. However, this is not the only one reason why intermittent fasting is suitable for you. Below you can find more information about valid reasons why you need it, and the BetterMe app is a great tool that can definitely help you get the best results.

  1. It’s Easier Than Dieting

Perhaps you’ve done your best to start a diet, but nothing comes off. Well, sticking to a routine that involves reducing your portion sizes doesn’t always work, because losing excess weight or improving your health status isn’t always food-related. You need to change when you eat, not how much. Intermittent fasting is quite easy when you understand the process. Apps like the BetterMe go the extra mile to help you. Its onboarding screen provides options that cover different parameters, which will help you and others looking to lose weight to get used to to the fasting routines much faster.

Furthermore, it’s easy to create a dieting plan, but it’s harder to make it a part of your life. It might be problematic for you to get the food you want at particular times or you might face lack of motivation. On the flip side, an intermittent fasting schedule looks like a big challenge. Yet, it’s quite simple to do. For example, in the majority of cases a regular diet mostly involves cutting back on “harmful” foods decreasing your carbs intake. It looks easy, right? But what happens when you experience food cravings? Eating as much food as you want at set intervals is a simple and a much better way to lose weight. However, try to keep everything in moderation, since excess calories will only stop you from getting desired results in short terms.

  1. Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting and weight loss are closely related to each other. As another study proves, the less you eat at certain times, the more your insulin levels drop. Your body will break down more carbs into glucose which serves as a source of energy for your body cells. Glucose can also be converted into body fat and stored for future use.

Whether you take on a 24 hour fast or a lesser one, with your insulin levels dropping, more weight is lost. By repeating this procedure for an extended period of time, you’ll achieve a healthy weight. Moreover, in this way you’ll consume smaller amount of calories than by trying to avoid certain foods. Additionally, implementation is key. You want an app like BetterMe with its easy onboarding options to help you out set up your intermittent fasting schedule. What’s more, it’s a tool that’s easy to use coupled with well-researched meal choices and when to eat them.

  1. It May Reduce Adverse Health Condition Risks

Obesity is one of the critical factors in different types of adverse health conditions. However, intermittent fasting helps with weight management and insulin control. Therefore, by losing more excess weight, people will significantly decrease their risks of heart diseases and diabetes. Other benefits include lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol levels. However, it is crucial to remember that intermittent fasting might be unsuitable for people having certain health issues. That is why, before starting a fasting routine, make sure to consult your health professional about how safe and beneficial it might be for your body.

  1. Fasting Intermittently is Less Stressful

Starting your day knowing you’ve got a lot to prepare before eating might be challenging and stressful for most people. That’s a time consuming routine which can take up a good part of your day. Fasting, on the other hand, is simple, straightforward, and definitely less stressful. Besides, the BetterMe app works wonders in terms of patterns and schedules. For instance, you can get up without a thought about what to make for breakfast. The BetterMe app can help you by suggesting the ideal meal.

Most times, fasting involves eating one less meal. So, you won’t have to face stress because of cooking specific times during the day.

  1. Longevity

It’s a well-known fact that fasting limits your calorie intake, which is a great way to help you prolong your life expectancy and slow down the process of aging. Moreover, when your body is denied food for a long time, it finds a way to keep you going. A study conducted with rats shows that intermittent fasting can help animals live longer. More so, it’s a process that works almost the same way as reduced calorie intake. Everyone would appreciate a slow ageing process, right? Fasting intermittently will see to that.

How to Implement Intermittent Fasting

After setting your mind on fasting, it’s time to implement the routine. BetterMe app comes with all the fasting options you need, including swapping plans when you feel uncomfortable. Health is your priority number one, so make sure you stick to the following recommendations before starting your intermittent fasting diet.

  1. See an Expert or a Doctor

Your health is at stake here. Rather than starting a fasting program, find out what’s right for your body. In this way, you would know what you can handle. For example, if you have a health condition like diabetes, seek a health professional opinion. Besides, if you’re under medication or feel sick during the process, it is better to stop the diet.

  1. Choose Easy Options

This is necessary, especially if it’s the first time you’ve decided to give this diet a try. BetterMe app has plans, varying from very easy to something a little bit testing. Depending on what you’re comfortable with, you should keep things simple. This also goes for meals. Intermittent fasting is not a strict diet, that’s why you can eat most of your usual meals. However, make sure you get necessary amounts of nutrients and liquids, and limit foods high in saturated fats, sugar, salt, cholesterol etc. For example, drinking diet soda is far from being a good idea, while staying hydrated is vital. Of course, you want the best combination of meals to help you get the best results. BetterMe has you covered with excellent choices.

The purpose for your fasting is also crucial and makes it much easier to follow. For example, your reasons for fasting can be weight loss, to avoid certain diseases like heart conditions, or to live longer. Whatever it is, the BetterMe app will make your choices simple to implement.

  1. Figure out the Days and Times

You can base the times you eat on your schedule. This way, there are no lapse. Choose times which are the most comfortable for you. For instance, you can eat your first meal at 1 pm and have your second meal at 8 pm.

The days of the week are important as well. Most experts opt for weekdays. Perhaps it’s because the days usually include numerous activities, so you won’t have enough time to break your diet or think about food. This sounds good, but you can adopt other days to fit your needs. For instance, you can make do with time-restricted eating.

  1. Don’t Be too Hard on Yourself

As with anything in life, mistakes can occur. Beating yourself up for breaking a set routine is a common thing. However, you shouldn’t get discouraged or disappointed. The BetterMe app can help you get back on track whenever you’re ready. Forgive yourself and try again to get desired results.

Types of Intermittent Fasting

  1. 16/8 fasting

BetterMe offers the ultimate, most popular and effective type of intermittent fasting. It’s called the 16/8 fasting. There are two basic options: skipping breakfast, eating only lunch and dinner + a small snack throughout the day or skipping the dinner and eating only breakfast and lunch + a small snack.

  1. Alternate-Day Fasting

The premise of this routine is that you can have normal eating days, combined with fasting days. It’s a system used by most people who want to lose weight. Overweight adults found that alternate-day fasting is beneficial for their weight loss. A feeling of satisfaction accompanies this after four weeks. Of course, it’s as challenging as they come, but the results make for good reading. Weight loss without losing your muscle mass is a step in the right direction.

  1. Weekly Fasting

You can fast intermittently weekly. This is particularly useful for the newbies in the world of the intermittent fasting. You can fast only once a week or even a month. Moreover, you’ll notice the benefits immediately, because a notable cut back on calories takes place. For example, you can have your dinner on Thursday and don’t eat anything else until dinner on Friday. Yes, it’s 24 hours, but you’ll notice how beneficial it is to lose some weight without so much effort.

If you decide to try the full 24 hours fasting, you’ll need mental toughness to get through the time. You could have all types of feelings, maybe even think it’s unbearable. However, surviving such moments without eating will help you last the course. Using the BetterMe app is your best bet to go through such routines that present much of a challenge to implement.

  1. Daily Fasting

This type of fasting usually takes a 8-hour eating window. So, you get to decide the time to begin. For example, you can start at 9 am and stop at 5 pm, or 8 am to 4 pm. You just should know what works for you. Use a time schedule that allows you to spend more quality time with your loved ones. In this way, you don’t miss out on events because you’re fasting.

Fasting takes place every day. This makes it easy to get into the routine you work with. For instance, you can use the BetterMe app to help you eat at certain times with relative ease. You’d be cutting out a meal from your day, thereby reducing your calorie intake consumed during the week. Weight loss is the ultimate result in daily fasting.

  1. Overnight Fasting

As the name implies, you would fast for 12 hours. This time usually falls at nighttime, when you sleep, and makes it the most comfortable and the easiest type of fasting to implement. You can set your BetterMe app notification to 7 pm and decide to fast until 7 am. At this point, you can take breakfast.

It’s also called autophagy fasting because of the 12-hour time frame, which mainly benefits your body cells. Swipe through the fasting feature in the BetterMe app to set the appropriate time. A great advantage for this type of fasting is that it’s easy to start. Besides, it’s ideal for reducing calorie intake, as well as for weight loss.

What Foods Are The Best For The Intermittent Fasting?

Yes, you can create your own meal plan and eat nutritious and healthy foods which you like most of all. However, there are some of them, which are particularly beneficial. Here you can find a list of foods which will bring you numerous health benefits and will become a great part of your diet. Let’s start.

  • Avocados

Yes, avocado is high in healthy fats, and you may wonder that you can eat such a high-calorie fruit while trying to lose excess pounds. However, fats in avocados will help you reduce hunger for a long period of time. Moreover, this fruit has a bunch of other benefits for your health. It contains vitamins B5, B6, C, E and K, potassium and folate which help your body function properly.

Avocados are also rich in fiber, which contributes to weight loss and may lower your risks of numerous health conditions, including heart diseases. They are also loaded with antioxidants which are essential for your overall health and for your eye health in particular. By eating avocados, you can significantly reduce your risks of macular degeneration and cataracts. This food can also reduce osteoarthritis. So, feel free to add a half of avocado to your lunch.

  • Nuts

This is another snack loaded with healthy fats. Nuts can prolong your life expectancy, lower your risks of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. They also contain numerous essential nutrients. For example, almonds are rich in calcium, which is crucial for the health of your bones, and vitamin E, which supports the health and beauty of your skin. Cashews are a rich source of protein, zinc and iron. Magnesium, which can be found in these nuts, can lower your risks of age-related memory loss. Hazelnuts will provide your body with necessary amounts of folate. That’s why you can add some nuts to your salad or eat them as a snack.

  • Fish

Fish is an integral part of any well-balanced diet. It is a rich source of high-quality protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B2, D, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium and a number of other essential nutrients. Omega-3 fatty acids support your heart health, contribute to healthy brain function, lower your risks of depression, Alzheimer’s disease and even diabetes. You can choose any fish you like, but salmon is the most nutrient-dense one.

  • Whole grains

Many people avoid grains while sticking to the diet in order not to hinder the process of weight loss. However, this food group is essential for your health and normal functioning of your body. They are rich in fiber and protein, so eating whole grains in moderate amounts will help you to feel full longer. Moreover, this sort of grains may boost your metabolism. They belong to the nutrient-dense foods and are a rich source of B vitamins, antioxidants, protein, magnesium, iron, zinc and more. All these nutrients can lower your risks of obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases. Wild rice, bulgur, quinoa, brown rice and more – all these whole grains will help you to stay healthy and lose weight.

  • Eggs

Eggs will become a great part of your meal plan. They are fast and easy to cook and have numerous benefits for your health and weight loss. Eggs are packed with high-quality protein and contain vitamins A, B2, B6, B12, D, E iron, zinc and many other nutrients. It’s a perfect option for the Intermittent fasting routine, as they will help you feel full longer and will prevent nutrient deficiency.

  • Berries

Berries are included to every balanced diet and are packed with various vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. For example, blueberries help to eliminate free radicals from your body and prevent your cells from damage. Raspberries are a rich source of fiber and will contribute to your health and weight loss. That’s why you definitely should try to add some berries to your lunch or eat them as a snack. Some people also cook delicious smoothies adding their favorite fruits and berries.

  • Broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprout

These extremely beneficial veggies are packed with fiber. They will help your body to function properly and improve the work of your digestive system preventing constipation. Moreover, fiber-rich foods will help you feel full longer and manage the fasting period much easier.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fasting Intermittently

Can Women Fast Intermittently?

Both males and females can take on the responsibility that comes with the intermittent fasting routine. However, a 2005 study has proved that the results may differ from man to woman. All you need to do is to figure out what works for you before starting your fasting routine. BetterMe app offers a friendly user interface to help you make the best choice. You’ll find what is the most suitable for your body type.

Is It Okay to Skip Breakfast When Fasting?

Perhaps you’ve heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day plenty of times. Well, it is really important, but an intermittent fasting routine without breakfast won’t lower your chances of having desired results. You only have to pay attention to what you eat, especially if you’ve had a big dinner the night before


In conclusion, this detailed information about intermittent fasting will definitely help you get going. What’s more, BetterMe app has all the latest features to help you make the most out of fasting. This way, you have an experience of how it works magic in your body.


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!