The Lesser-Known Trends That Currently Drive Marketing In The Healthcare Industry

“Better health is central to human happiness and well-being.” – The World Health Organization (WHO)

The health of individuals is one of their most precious assets. Maintaining good health enables us to lead better lives and also build a flourishing society by working and contributing to the economy. So, it is clear that the majority of the world is centered and dependent directly or indirectly on the healthcare industry.

However, most people are often so engulfed in their routines and work lives that they do not consider their mental and physical well-being. This is where healthcare marketing comes into play.

Importance of Healthcare Marketing

There is an ever-increasing demand for healthcare and healthcare awareness. Especially now, as the entire world is hit by an unprecedented wave of a deadly virus affecting millions of people worldwide, the need for healthcare awareness has increased, and the demand has far exceeded supply. This has caused the prices to skyrocket.

As the governments of nations all across the world are struggling to match the demands of the citizens from the healthcare industry, it is imperative that people are educated about personal hygiene and basic sanitization to halt the spread of diseases. Healthcare marketing helps us achieve that.

In terms of business and finance, this pandemic has increased the competition for healthcare firms and institutions more than ever before. Hence, to maintain a steady influx of clients and patients, healthcare organizations all around the globe are extensively indulging in marketing and coming up with numerous and innovative marketing strategies in an effort to get an edge over the competition.

Healthcare Marketing in the Digital World

Software and technology have made its way into virtually every nook and corner of the world in some form or the other. No consumer industry is exempt from the benefits and impacts of the technological advancements we have witnessed over the last few decades.

With approximately 3.5 billion people all over the world accessing smartphones and more than 4.57 billion people all over the world using the internet, marketing healthcare digitally will have a much more profound impact on communities and the economy more than offline marketing.

Digital healthcare marketing can be done in various ways. There is no hard and fast rule in order to ascertain what works and what does not since the process is highly iterative. However, there are few healthcare marketing trends that provide an appreciable return on investment but are not widely popular or intuitive.

Here are some lesser-known marketing trends that are driving the modern healthcare sector:

1. Get a Responsive Website

It is vital to have a professional website for your company, but getting a website is not enough in 2020. You need to make your website responsive. What does this mean?

A responsive website refers to a website that adapts itself, especially its user interface (UI), dynamically depending on the device it is being accessed on.

For example, healthcare-related websites generally tend to have pretty substantial navigation because of the intricacies involved. Hence, it is easy to get around the site quickly on a desktop, but it can be relatively cumbersome for a user browsing on a mobile or a tablet.

In the first half of 2018, Google had even rolled out newer algorithms that rank or index websites based on how mobile-friendly they are. This was a consequence of increasing mobile searches and diminishing desktop searches.

2. Content Marketing

Invest heavily in marketing all of your content. The presence of the content you created by putting so much hard work is of no use if it does not get an audience, and there are no people to engage with it.

By creating more content, you will also consequently push your website’s ranking forward.

Since you are a member of the healthcare industry, you might not be very well versed in making creatives for social media and marketing them on social platforms. Therefore, it is wise to hire freelancers or in-house designers and digital marketers who can effectively use your content to generate great traffic.

You could also hire freelance content writers who can produce high-quality written pieces of content with the most trending and relevant keywords to help boost your search engine ranking and generate relevant and organic traffic.

3. Create Videos

Videos are by far the most share-worthy and impactful sources of information on the internet, and this does not seem to be changing anytime soon.

No matter what your niche is, you will definitely be benefitted from extensive video creation and marketing. As a matter of fact, video marketing is particularly advantageous in the healthcare realm because of its huge potential to educate the masses.

Since video opens up a whole ocean of possibilities by being able to incorporate visual as well as an auditory stimulus, the healthcare firms can leverage this to educate people about diseases, problems, solutions, and their own services.

Although video creation, editing, and marketing have many benefits, it is a completely different ball game, which is hard to master in a few hours or days. Most people often, unknowingly, diminish the quality of their content in an effort to achieve better visuals while shooting and editing. Hence, video marketing companies like Invideo have done all the heavy lifting for you and have come with an online platform where you can easily create highly shareable video content.

4. Survey Your Audience and Interact with Them

This is probably the most underrated marketing strategy that many companies should employ but are not paying much heed.

Many people in an organization brainstorm so much to figure out what is the next best thing they should come up with or what their audience wants when all they have to do is just ask. By conducting surveys or interacting with your audience on platforms like Instagram Live or Facebook Live, you can gain unbeatable insight into what intrigues and serve them better!

However, for this to be successful, you should have a large group of company-loyal audiences on the internet. This is generally achieved through extensive content marketing.


So, have you been implementing all of these four marketing strategies for your healthcare firm? If not, then what are you waiting for? Get started now and see the results in a matter of days!