Using Biologics to Treat Psoriasis

Treating Psoriasis

There are many options for treating psoriasis, such as applying topical creams, light therapy, pills, shots, ointments, and even coal tar. However, if you’ve tried most of these treatments and none of them have worked, or if you have a severe case of psoriasis, it could be time to use biologics. Biologics are drugs that target a particular part of your body that specifically reacts to psoriasis. Biologics can also control your symptoms when other treatments have failed to give relief. Consult a family practice physician in the Villages, FL, to learn more about biologics as a treatment for psoriasis.

How it Works

Biologics work differently from normal drugs. Made from living cells, biologics are medicines that have been genetically modified in the lab and converted to certain proteins. These proteins are then either induced into the body via an IV or taken as an injection. These two methods help to bypass the stomach acids which would have otherwise destroyed the protein in the drugs, rendering them useless. Unlike other normal drugs that interact with the immune system, biologics only target the part of the body that’s responsible for an overgrowth of skin cells and blocks it. They are very effective at relieving symptoms of psoriasis. The doctor will most likely opt for biologics if your psoriasis is very severe and covers a large part of your body. It’s also very expensive and your insurer might not cover the treatment until other treatments have been exhausted.

Ideal Candidate

The doctor will recommend biologics if you’ve tried systemic treatments such as retinoid or methotrexate and your symptoms don’t improve, if the drug you’re using has negative side effects for you, or if you have a medical condition that makes other drugs unsafe for you to ingest. Biologics treatment is not for everyone. It can make you more likely to get infections. If you’re starting on the treatment, your doctor will first test you for hepatitis, HIV or tuberculosis, among other infections. If you’re expectant, consult your doctor first before attempting to use the treatment method. The physician will be able to tell exactly how it might affect your baby. Biological treatment may also be unsafe for you if you have cancer, liver disease, heart failure, or multiple sclerosis.


Biologics is an effective treatment method, but it does not cure psoriasis. Within a few weeks of using it, some people begin to see clearer skin. If your psoriasis symptoms are moderate to severe, biologics may be the best option for you. It works better than other conventional drugs such as cyclosporine, acitretin, or methotrexate. It may also work better if you use it for a longer period of time, or if you combine it with another form of psoriasis treatment. Side effects can include headaches, diarrhea or a skin reaction.

Psoriasis is caused by immune system proteins that cause swelling and scaly patches on your skin. Drugs that block these specific proteins seem to clear the skin better than other types of drugs. Depending on factors such as if you have other medical conditions, how clear you want your skin to get, or if you want IV or shots, your doctor will pick a drug for you. They may go for a drug that delivers a good balance between safety and effectiveness.