What Are SARMS & Danger Associated With it

There is a disturbing trend that is going around in the bodybuilding world. This trend revolves around a new drug disguised as research peptides that bodybuilders are using to increase their muscle mass. These new drugs are similar to anabolic steroids in their effectiveness. These new drugs are called select androgen receptor modulators or SARMs. SARMs are experimental drugs that a few pharmaceutical companies are working on right now for various health reasons. However, the companies in China have found ways to manufacture these drugs and ship them to the United States. Companies in the United States package them to look like real supplements and/or put them in 30 ml vials and sell them as research peptides. These companies even go as far as to put, not for human consumption on the packaging, as thinking this would help them circumnavigate the law.

What Are SARMS?

Select androgen receptor modulators are peptides that have various effects on the body. One of these effects is an anabolic effect that helps increase lean body mass. SARMs have been noted to have fewer side effects than anabolic steroids. Therefore bodybuilding has been favoring SARMS over steroids in recent years. Adolescents have been favorable as SARMS as well because the muscle gains are not as noticeable as with steroids, and the side effects are not present. Therefore to the naked untrained eye, an outsider would not detect illegal performance-enhancing drug use.

The FDA has publicly warned young adults about the dangers of SARMS. They have issued a notice telling people that these are drugs and not dietary supplements. Recently several supplement companies that market to young men looking to increase muscle mass have been indicted by the federal government and charged with distribution of unapproved drugs. Some of these cases are still pending trial. Two companies named were Enhanced Athlete and Black Stone Labs.

Types of SARMS

To find SARMs for sale, people turn to the internet and easily find them to buy. However, there are different types. Some of these are called Ligandrol, MK 2866, S4, YK11, and many more.

There are several types of SARMs that bodybuilders are using. The first is a drug called Lignadrol or LGD 4033. This SARM supposedly is marketed as one of the safest SARMS because one study showed that users did not ex experience any side effects. Ligandrol is taken at a dose of 10mg per day. Usually, companies on the internet selling this drug will sell it in a 30 ml bottle. According to Google searches this SARM is the most popular SARM. This drug is still being researched and developed by a pharmaceutical company. They have renamed it VK 511.

The next SARM is called RAD 140. This is marketed as the most anabolic and effective SARM. RAD 140 seems to be very anabolic and has minimal side effects. People experimenting with this drug are seeing n noticeable muscle increases.

In conclusion, select androgen receptor modulators are being abused by young men and women looking to increase their muscle mass. The FDA has warned against its use. Companies in the United States purchase them from China, and then sometimes sell them as dietary supplements. Some try to circumnavigate the law by selling them as research peptides. If one chooses to use SARMS, they must do so, knowing that they are using experimental drugs that the FDA has not yet approved for human use.