4 Things to Know About CBD Oil for Sleep

These days, Americans are more restless at night than ever before. Poor sleep health is a common problem with 25 percent of U.S. adults reporting insufficient sleep, according to the American Sleep Apnea Association. That’s a lot of people not getting enough shut eye.

Medicating your way out of insomnia can be a risky business. Some sleep medicine can cause “sleep walking” side effects, which can become much more dangerous when people start to “sleep walk down the street” or even “sleep drive.” Surely, there’s a safer way to fall asleep naturally.

One such natural remedy is CBD oil. Preliminary studies and anecdotal reports suggest that CBD is effective against insomnia and against anxiety and pain, two problems that can contribute to a bad night’s sleep.

  1. How Does CBD Oil Work?

Users report that CBD oil alleviates many of the symptoms that can cause insomnia, including anxiety and pain. People say that CBD oil reduces their anxiety, which drastically affects the quality of their sleep.

According to a study that tested 72 adults with anxiety and insomnia, 79 percent of the subjects reported decreased anxiety and 66 percent reported better sleep after taking CBD for a month.

Generally, CBD helps bring balance and homeostasis to the body. CBD appears to works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, or ECS. The ECS overlays the central nervous system, with receptors scattered throughout the body.

  1. How Much CBD Oil Do You Take for Sleep?

CBD oil can be taken regularly without adverse effects. Like most sleep-inducing activities, it’s best to take your pre-sleep dose of CBD oil about an hour before bedtime. Other CBD users prefer to take CBD capsules instead of CBD oil.

Basic guidelines suggest that a beginning dose of CBD oil should be anywhere from 1-6 mg of CBD per 10 pouds of person. Many CBD brands recommend that customers seeking a wellness dose of CBD should start with 25 mg per day and increase as needed until the desired effects are achieved.

Dosage also depends on a person’s weight, body chemistry, and the nature of his or her sleeping problem. People with special health concerns should consult their healthcare provider before adding CBD to their routine, especially if they are on prescription medications.

With no addiction concerns and few side effects, CBD oil may be a person’s best answer to a good night’s sleep without the potentially dangerous side effects associated with prescription sleep medications.

  1. What Are the Side Effects of CBD for Sleep?

One of the best potential benefits of CBD oil is that it has very few side effects, compared to other sleep medication, and no chance of addiction. You cannot overdose on CBD, even when taken in abundance. And because it doesn’t make a person feel “high,” there is no risk for abuse.

The biggest risk associated with using hemp-derived cannabinoid products like CBD oil for sleep are not medical in nature at all. Even the smallest amounts of THC present in CBD oil may flag positive on a drug test.

  1. What to Look for in a Quality CBD Oil for Sleep

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not yet issued regulations on CBD products. Most people think that means there’s no federal regulations for CBD products at all. But there is another federal program that certifies CBD products, and that’s the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Organics Program.

The USDA organic seal is a trusted emblem that communicates a product is safe, free of contamination, and produced to the high standards of the USDA organics program. Therefore, when shopping for CBD oil for sleep, the two key elements to look for are:

  • the USDA organic seal
  • a full spectrum CBD oil with a high THC level

When looking for quality CBD oils for sleep, you should choose a USDA organic, full spectrum CBD oil, like the ones made by Cornbread Hemp.