How to Take Care of a Newborn


You have waited a long time for your newborn to arrive, and that time has come. You get your new baby home, and the work of a parent begins. The sleepless nights begin, and the changes in work schedules need to be made. If you have other siblings, it becomes even more complicated because they need your attention too. The stress begins, and if you don’t get the right help, you may have a burnout. Don’t worry, visit Westminster family physician for more information on the health of your baby and tips on how to raise your baby. Understand that you are not alone in your journey as a parent. Link with healthcare professionals and experienced mothers alike, and you will become a veteran mom in no time.

Get Someone to Help Around the House

The period after delivery is very stressful since a lot of readjustment is required. You need help around the house to get up to speed with the changes as well as give you time to recover from the birth experience. Complications may occur during delivery, and its essential to have someone to take care of you as you recover. The best practice entails planning weeks before delivery to avoid the last-minute rush to get someone to help. However, your doctor could help with providing information on available caregivers. Family members may also volunteer to help around the house or responsible neighbors.

Proper Handling of a Newborn

A newborn baby remains delicate and vulnerable to many diseases and infections since their immune system is still inactive. Their body remains delicate and should also receive proper care. The best practices entail thoroughly washing hands before handling a baby as well as any visitor who feels the baby. Hold the baby by the head and neck at all times. Avoid vigorous shaking of the baby as it may cause brain injury. In the case of traveling, have a baby car seat installed to avoid vigorous shaking and protect the child in case of an accident.

Diaper Changing

A newborn requires a diaper change around 11 times a day. Prepare the necessary changing wear to fit the changes you will need to make in a day. You can choose to use diaper clothing or disposables based on your personal preference. If you have a boy, be careful when exposing the private area as they start urinating on exposure to air. Have diaper wipes to clean the individual parts area properly. If you have a girl, clean the private part area from the front, moving backward to prevent infections on the vaginal area. Some babies have a high sensitivity to feces and may develop a rash. Clean appropriately with warm water and apply diaper cream. The rash should go away in a few days. In case it persists, seek the help of a doctor.

Ensuring Your Baby has Enough Sleep.

Did you know that a baby sleeps approximately 16 hours a day? Well, the catch is that they only rest on an interval of two to four hours per time; thus, the disturbance experienced at night. Babies have an undeveloped digestive system and can only take in small amounts of food. Therefore, they require regular feeding to remain healthy. Ensure you feed your child after every two to three hours to provide the proper nutrition for healthy growth.