10 Reason to Visit a Day Spa in Winter

Winter is the perfect time to head to the spa. After all, what better way is there to get that summer glow in winter than by visiting a day spa? Winter is actually one of the most popular times for spa season, since heading to the spa is a great way to warm yourself in a sauna, steam room, or vitality pool during the cold winter months. Here are ten of the most popular reasons to head to the day spa during the winter for some much-needed body treatments.

Spas improve your mood.

If you have seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD, the winter months can be particularly challenging. That’s why heading to a few different treatment rooms can be just what the doctor ordered for lifting your mood. From hot stones to other restorative treatments, you’re bound to feel great after a trip to the spa.

You don’t need to worry about the sun

Many skin or complexion treatments require you to stay out of the sun after you receive them. Since winter months are generally overcast and you’ll be spending more time indoors, winter is an ideal time to get these sorts of treatments.

Spas give you time for yourself.

Another major benefit of a spa trip in winter is the opportunity to spend some time just focusing on yourself. After all, with major holidays, you’re likely doing a lot for others instead of taking time to focus on you. A trip to the spa is an excellent choice to take time out of your day and find a sense of rejuvenation.

Finding time to detox is more important in the winter.

Detoxing is important to do in the winter if you’re trying to start up a new nutritional regimen. After all, since swimsuit season is months away, going through a detox process at the start of winter is the perfect time to detox your body at the spa and adapt a new diet.

Spas can help you manage pain.

If you get an injury in the winter, it can be difficult to manage your pain because of how cold it is. Thankfully, a spa can help you address your pain with a variety of heat-based therapeutic treatments. Especially if you’re interested in increasing mobility and boosting your muscle health, a trip to the day spa can help you reduce inflammation and other pain and get back on track.

You’ll breathe better.

When winter hits, your sinuses probably get clogged or stuffy. In order to better open up your nasal passageways, the spa might be an ideal way to address your issues. Especially in steam-based saunas with additives like menthol and eucalyptus, you’ll breathe better after a trip to the spa.

Improve your complexion when vitamin D is scant

Many people lose out on vitamin D when the sun’s not out, which is often during winter. As such, you might want to find ways to improve your complexion, either through a spa or beauty treatment. Even without vitamin D from the sun, you’ll be able to help your skin look as good as ever.

 Make your skin shine.

When you improve your complexion, you’ll have an amazing glow even in the dead of winter. Regularly heading to the spa can help keep your skin looking great even while everyone else is dealing with chapped lips from the colder temperatures.

De-stress when you can’t get as much physical activit

Even if you have a gym membership, during the winter, your physical activity levels likely decrease. Since you’re not getting as much exercise from walking outside or playing sports, you may have fewer options for blowing off steam. As such, de-stressing at the spa can be incredibly beneficial.

Make it a girls’ weekend!

When the winter months come, it’s tempting to stay indoors and just watch TV instead of heading out to socialize. As a result, it’s important to find ways to continue enjoying time with the friends or family members you care most about. Making your spa trip a getaway weekend is a great way to get social and relax at the same time.