15-Minute Treadmill Workouts For Those Insanely Busy Days

The treadmill is a tried-and-true staple of any gym. They’re easy to use, perfect for multi-tasking (a book or TV while you run? Sure!) and are great for bad-weather days when you can’t get outside for a workout.

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If you don’t have access to varied terrain in your area, you can also use the treadmill’s incline feature to create new challenges during your walk or run.

Strapped for time? Struggling to squeeze in a typical treadmill workout at the end of a long work day?

Why not give one of these simple, effective, 15-minute treadmill workouts a try? The first is for the sprinters who want to burn serious fat, while the second works on an incline to tone your glutes, calves and thighs, while delivering a healthy dose of cardio.

High-Impact Treadmill Workout

If you like speed and HIIT-style workouts, try this sprinting workout on for size. You warm up for the first minute with a light jog or brisk walk at 4mph. Pay special attention to your joints and be sure to stretch thoroughly afterwards.

  • 1-minute walk at 4 mph and 2 incline
  • 1-minute run at 8 pmh and 2 incline
  • 1-minute walk at 4 mph and 2 incline
  • 1-minute run at 9 mph and 2 incline
  • 1-minute walk at 4 mph and 2 incline
  • 1-minute sprint at 10 mph and 2 incline
  • 1-minute walk at 4 mph and 2 incline
  • 1-minute sprint at 11 mph and 2 incline
  • 1-minute walk at 4 mph and 2 incline
  • 1-minute sprint at 12 mph and 2 incline
  • 1-minute walk at 4 mph and 2 incline
  • 30-second sprint at 12 mph and 4 incline
  • 1-minute walk at 4mph and 2 incline
  • 30-second sprint at 12 mph and 6 incline
  • 1-minute cool down

Increasing Incline Treadmill Workout

This workout is for those interested in walking, but who still want an effective workout. You don’t need a warm up for this one, so start your first five minutes by hitting a high incline of 8.0 at 4 mph. You’re speed will stay the same throughout the entire workout, so if you’d prefer a higher speed, that’s entirely up to you. Keep in mind, however, that the inclines are tough. 

Every minute you increase your incline by one digit while your speed remains the same. Once you’ve reached 10 minutes, maintain your speed, but decrease the incline so when you’ve reached the 15-minute mark, you’re back down to the 8.0 incline. It looks something like this:

  • 0-5 minutes: 8 incline
  • 5-6 minutes: 9 incline
  • 6-7 minutes: 10 incline
  • 7-8 minutes: 11 incline
  • 9-10 minutes: 13 incline
  • 10-11 minutes: 12 incline
  • 11-12 minuts: 11 incline
  • 12 to 13 minutes: 10 incline
  • 13 to 14 minutes: 9 incline
  • 14 to 15 minutes: 8 incline

Next time you’re strapped for time or dreading a boring treadmill workout, try one of these programs instead. They’re quick, intense, blast calories and can shake up your routine. In addition, they’re perfect companions to strength training or other fitness programs that need a jolt of cardio.