The Ultimate January Power Plank Workout Challenge

January is a perfect time to set your eyes on new goals, especially when it comes to health and fitness.

This month’s challenge focuses in on a powerhouse move: the plank. The tried-and-true bodyweight exercise works your whole body, but especially focuses on the shoulders and core. Want to start the New Year off by sculpting a strong, sexy mid-section? Then this challenge is for you.

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  • Warm up with 50 jumping jacks before each plank workout.
  • Keep a neutral head and neck throughout the plank movement.
  • Keep your back in a straight line and do not let your butt drop or push up into a downward dog position.
  • Keep your hands aligned under your shoulders.
  • Remember to breath throughout the movement.
  • Make sure that you are cleared by a physician before beginning the challenge.
  • If you feel like you are getting fatigued, take a break and then pick it back up. Form is most important.
  • Cool down by walking and stretching after each plank workout.
  • Feel free to mix and match the workouts on different days, if you prefer.
  • Work on holding your planks longer or completing more repetitions each week if you need more of a challenge.
  • Remember that you can plank on your knees or decrease the length of the hold or amount of repetitions.
  • Plank workouts can be supplementary to other strength and cardio routines.