10 Easy Hacks For Getting Slim This Summer

If you’re looking to lose your winter weight and get back in shape in time for summer, keep reading! Below are 10 tips for helping you get summer ready.

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Drink More Water

Get rid of accumulated toxins by flushing them out with (you guessed it), lots and lots of water. Aside from cleaning up your diet, water helps with many bodily functions. If drinking adequate amounts of water throughout the day has been a challenge for you, try setting a realistic goal for yourself. For example, use a bigger jug of water or try making your own detox water so you get the hydration you need.

Eat More Greens (And Colourful Fruits And Veggies)

Fruits and veggies are loaded with fibre and other essential nutrients. Greens in particular help aid in elimination and make you feel fuller during and after your meals. Aim for a serving of greens at every meal whether it be spinach hidden in your morning smoothie or a colourful salad at dinner.

Lift Weights

Muscle burns fat. This means when you’re not working out your muscles are still doing work for you. Your muscles continue to burn calories outside of the gym! Incorporate three days a week of weight training into your fitness regimen.

Sculpt Your Body

Exercise and a proper diet along with your genetics can help you shape and define your body aesthetically. Make sure you incorporate compound movements (like squats) and isolation exercises (like cable kickbacks) to emphasize development on particular muscle groups – in this example you will shape your legs and glutes.


Rest is very important for proper recovery. Getting sufficient sleep per night is critical to achieve your health and fitness goals. Make sure your room is dark and quiet to ensure a deeper REM cycle. If you are having trouble sleeping, it may be worth looking into your diet and lifestyle more thoroughly.

Do Cardio, But Don’t Overdo It

If you’re eating clean and weight training consistently, your results will show. Adding in high-intensity interval sessions for about 20 to 30 minutes a few times a week will help kick your fitness up a notch (and of course, improve your heart health). Interval training is super effective for maintaining your hard-earned muscle and saving time in your busy schedule.

Rotate Your Food

Your body gets bored of food just as fast as you probably do. When this happens, it stops using food as effectively to nourish your self. Sometimes food intolerances or digestive issues may arise like constipation or bloating. To avoid a plateau or other issues, make sure you incorporate a variety of foods in your daily meals.


Eat, eat and eat some more! Eat whole, clean and natural foods and eliminate things like sugar, processed foods and alcohol. Always remember that food is your fuel. Nutrient-dense meals provide your body with what it needs, and all those nutrients will be used for specific body systems. Starving yourself is never the answer.

Treat Yourself

Truthfully, I don’t use the word “cheat” instead I say, “treat”. It’s important not to create negative associations with food. However, having a treat once or twice a week does not hinder your progress. Two things happen: 1. It shocks the body because it’s not used to ingesting these “not-so-good foods” so your body responds by digesting and eliminating it quickly. 2. You’re not creating restrictions that cause stress. If you do, you begin to set off your hormones like cortisol, our natural stress-response hormone. When this happens, weight-loss resistance and other issues may arise. So go ahead and treat yourself: It’s good for your mental health and your weight-loss efforts.

Put The Scale Away

The number on the scale does not necessarily equate to your progress when weighing yourself everyday. It’s a good starting indicator to know where you’re at and perhaps a mid-way indicator 6 weeks down the road. The body transforms in its own way – so let it! A weighing scale often causes a person stress and there are many reasons why weight fluctuates day to day. Focus on being consistent with your nutrition, your workouts and finding balance to help decrease stress.