Category: Life

Motivation, inspiration, excitement and relaxation are key pillars to living your best life. Here, we show you how to de-stress and ward off negativity as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Hair loss: 5 triggers and solutions

Dense hair is one of the main attributes of health and beauty. So, hair loss or baldness can significantly affect self-confidence. However, it is important to distinguish natural hair loss (normally, a person loses 50-100 strands per day) and pathological — when you notice falling hairs everywhere. If your situation is more similar to the second case, it is essential to find our the triggers caused the hair changes, and then decide how to cope with them. Let’s consider the main triggers related to hair loss the most commonly. Weak immune system Often, hair loss may be observed when the ... Read more

Seven Ways To Deal With Obesity

Almost everyone complains of their weight and how they are getting overweight by every passing day. It is the most common problem in today’s world, but it is essential to understand the difference between overweight and obesity. Both these terms sound alike, but they are poles apart as obesity is a disease, and being overweight or bulky is a phase of life. Too much weight can put a toll on your body, and being obese invites many health problems. Obesity increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Therefore, rather than ignoring this issue, one has to face ... Read more

6 After-workout Recovery Tricks You Haven’t Tried

There is nothing quite like a good workout, but a good workout often results in stiff, sore muscles for days on end. If you have plans to continue training — or you just don’t want to deal with the discomfort — you need to take active steps to help your body recover. The most common recovery methods are rest, gentle stretching, hydration and more rest. However, these aren’t the only ways to relieve the aches and pains that come after vigorous exercise. If you are looking for a new way to speed up recovery, you might try any of the ... Read more

Foot Pains And Discomforts You Should Not Ignore

If there’s one part of our body that works the hardest, yet is the least cared for, it is our feet. Many of us spend hours on our feet or subject them to torture with less-than-comfortable shoes day after day. This often results in pain and discomfort. While not all foot pain is serious, some of them do signal underlying conditions such as arthritis, peripheral arterial disease, and even diabetes. If left unattended, a minor foot pain can snowball into serious health issues that can disrupt your quality of life. Here are three most common types of foot and ankle ... Read more

3 Tips To Help You Get A Better Night’s Sleep

Do you feel exhausted at times during the day but struggle to get to sleep when bedtime comes around? Maybe you have no issue drifting off to sleep but find that you are wide awake only a few hours later. Lack of sleep is not only frustrating but can lead to a lack of concentration and mood swings, which can affect things at work and at home. If counting sheep isn’t quite cutting it, it’s perhaps time to try some alternative methods in a bid to get your sleeping pattern back on track. Here are 3 tips to help you ... Read more

These Are the Best Workout Moves You Can Do on a Playground

As a parent, it’s not always easy to find time for yourself, especially when it comes to exercise. Additionally, you may not want to pay for a monthly gym membership. Fortunately, there’s another solution that you should consider. From swing sets to monkey bars, playgrounds offer beneficial equipment that you can use to stay fit. Here are a few workouts to try at your local park. As always, remember to warm up before each session! 1. Park Bench Dips This move works to tone your arms and strengthen shoulder muscles. A bench dip targets your triceps, as well as your ... Read more

5 Healthy Ways to Fix Your Snoring Problem

Sleeping needs peaceful and comfortable surroundings to have a well-rested body. However, there are many factors as to why a person is not able to sleep well—one of them is a sound distraction. The loud and harsh sound that occurs during sleep may be one of the reasons why you are not sleeping well. Snoring occurs during any stage of sleep. It is created when the back of your throat vibrates through its tissues as your air flows in while breathing. The sound is created as you breathe in air and come out through your mouth, nose, or both. Although ... Read more

How To Use Meditation During Rehab

Getting rid of addiction is not an easy deal to fight and eliminate from one’s life. Together with posturing a considerable risk to an addict’s life, it additionally takes a toll on them emotionally, socially as well as financially. It can cost them their life, job and eventually also lose their family due to their ‘careless’ behavior. This is why an individual battling addiction is more prone to be susceptible to depression and other mind relevant conditions. Given that these individuals are regularly in a state of chaos, it is critical for them to discover peace within themselves. Meditation makes ... Read more

Working Out With Covid-19 Still Prevalent

As winter fades away and the spring and summer seasons start to arrive, it’s common to start considering your health and wellness. Many gyms around America are starting to reopen after having been closed for the pandemic. There are many things to consider as we start our fitness journeys again. The safety of you and those around you should be top of mind while trying to get fit. Here are some insights as you workout with Covid-19 still prevalent. Switch it Up Winter months are great for focusing on strength and resilience in the body. When summer comes along, however, ... Read more

8 Ways to Start Getting the Best Sleep of Your Life

Sleep is essential for proper health. It sharpens the mind, boosts your mood and even keeps your body healthier. But that’s not all a good night’s sleep provides. It also gives you more energy, contributes to your heart’s health, helps control your blood sugar and weight and strengthens your immune system. Now that you know how vital sleep is to your well-being, keep reading to discover a variety of ways to start getting the best sleep of your life. Invest in a Cooling Foam Memory Mattress A cooling memory foam mattress helps control your body’s temperature, relieves pain and prevents night sweats. Essentially, ... Read more

Ways to Take Care of Your Emotional Health

Your metabolism is the process responsible for transforming the food you eat into energy to fuel your body. Increasing your basal metabolic rate plays a significant role in weight loss as it helps your body to burn calories. You may have noticed that some people eat large quantities without gaining much weight, while others tend to accumulate fat notably quicker. This article discusses ten ways in which you can rev up your metabolism. 1.Brew a Cup of Coffee Brewing yourself a cup of good coffee with quality espresso makers will make everything much more manageable, and it is also time-efficient. ... Read more

An Orgasm a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: 6 Benefits of Self-Love

Besides feeling great, an orgasm has more health benefits than you might have suspected. You’ve probably heard of the “post-sex glow,” but with most people stuck inside, achieving that post-coital bliss is harder than ever. That’s why self-love is making a major comeback. And, don’t worry! It still comes with most of the bonuses of traditional physical intimacy, plus a few you may not have heard of. 1. Clear and Healthy Skin Depending on how invested you are in skincare, this benefit will matter to some more than others. However, if you frequently experience flare-ups from stress and anxiety or you want ... Read more

8 Reasons to Get an Appointment with a Singapore Chiropractor

Today, people are looking for alternatives besides drinking pain killers to relieve back and shoulder pains, and most seek chiropractic therapy. Thousands of people around the world visit a Singapore chiropractor every year. Thirty-five percent of them are seeking relief from back pain from multiple reasons, such as accidents, sports injuries, and muscle strains. Other problems include neck pain, back, legs, and headaches. What is Singapore Chiropractor? Singapore chiropractors apply hands-on manipulation of the spinal cord and other alternative therapies. The idea is that proper alignment of the musculoskeletal structure of the human body, especially the spine, will allow the ... Read more

How Using CBD Oil Can Improve Your Sex Life

It is becoming widely understood that CBD oil, which is a cannabidiol made from the hemp plant, can help improve sleep, treat anxiety and even help the body recover quickly from a workout. What is less well known is that it can also be used to enhance your sex life. If you have a lackluster libido, often feel less than romantic and allow your stressful life to kill your sex life, then CBD oil could be your answer. The wonderful thing about CBD is that it is not psychoactive unlike its counterpart THC which is the main chemical in marijuana. ... Read more

Lukas Politis Explains How Exploring Nature Can Improve Mental Health & Reduce Stress

When lockdown measures were put in place in March, millions of people were suddenly faced with the anxiety of uncertainty, lay-offs, and working from home. No matter how stressful your lockdown experience has been, there are a few simple ways to reduce the stress, anxiety, and depression associated with COVID-19. As a sports communications and broadcasting professional, Lukas Politis has always seen the physical and mental value of connecting directly with nature during stressful times, and COVID-19 is no different. Growing up in Pearl River, NY, mountain biking, fishing, hiking, and kayaking have always been a part of Lukas Politis’ ... Read more